Interlude - Path To The Art of Breakup

May 6, 2011

I don’t know what is better, either hide my best feeling or reveal it on The Art of Break Up, both of them is like a path to the hell! But let me tell u, I love writing, whatever, whenever. I know that it is too hard to control my mind when I start to write, I hate to realize that I still use too much personal feeling on writing. I still don’t have any intention to share my writings related to The Art of Break Up “yet”, I prefer to keep it in my laptop. I think it is better to read it alone instead of tell to my friends just to get their amused of my nice (overdo) language style, hahaha.

Well! AFAIK men’s memory is horrible, if we consider it with women’s. I mean, u know, most of men like to forget everything, even if there is a beautiful moment. Therefore I decide to write it, yes, u’re right, to help me remember. Like hell I care if you laugh at me because you think that I make a kind of diary, no, in fact I don’t consider it as a diary.

It’s been a long time since I post my last TAB (TAB II) in my blog, such a great story, right? Actually I make so many TAB and still save it in my hardisk, keep it in my heart, because I think that its not good to make her remember something that she doesn’t want to remember again. So, that’s it, to many considerations.

But from know on, I’ll make a little bit different, I’LL UPLOAD IT, in a different way!, so everybody in this world can read it! You know, it makes me trembling by just imagine about it. Okay, The Art of Breakup, will be continued.


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