Selayang Pandang

Sep 18, 2011

Yo ! Edcom !

Edcom is one of community belongs to English Department. Every department has a community, and English Department Community belongs to us. Nothing too special, it’s just like another community, it just a little bit more organized. Now it’s time to let you know a little bit about this Edcom thing.

Don’t you ever for a second forget about the history, that’s what they said. The history of Edcom itself began in 2001. Edcom was born in that time. It’s hard to imagine how Edcom look like when it’s first formed. Edcom grew better and better as the time passed by. Edcom will always be regenerated by great crews, year by year.

Every community formed for a purpose. Edcom formed to help English department’s student do what they want to do. Edcom is kind of place for them to deliver their aspirations. There are so many divisions in Edcom, we can just choose one of them. You can be a treasurer if your favorite thing is collecting money. If you like writing, editing, or just collecting photo, just be a press division crew. You can join student affair division if you are someone with over-high social life. And so-on, you can join another division as well. Different people do different things, right?

There are many things happened during this years. I just can forget about Buber (breaking-fast) with orphans, that was so pleasuring. And then, if we can take back time, that was another educating agenda, we visited Solopos. Now we are still preparing for sovvet, a debate contest. That all agenda were just an intermezzo during our routine activities. I can feel very happy with just imagine that next time we will do another pleasuring activities again.

Okay, see you later, thanks in advance.

nb : sorry for my bad english,


  1. Great !!! Sovved is held this year?? Good job !! if it can be an annual event, it will boost EDCOM's name at least in Solo area =). Keep up the good work !!

  2. .yes thats the plan, but i dont really know since there is some financial problems with IOM, dont ask me further, thats not my division, sir ex-president :D

  3. haha no i won't =) I heard about that IOM problem thingy problem several months ago. It really was upsetting and disappointing. The new board of fssr leaders are so academical minded if I can conclude hhhe

  4. haha yes i think so, they are way to academical minded. They change the curriculum to accelerate our study here,
