The Black Parade

Feb 3, 2011

Suatu hari aku mendapat tugas mengarang cerita narative dalam bahasa inggris. Berhubung aku suka dengan grup musik luar negeri MCR, aku membuat cerita menyadur dari lagu mereka. Ini adalah cerita dalam bahasa inggris karanganku yang terbaik. Dan ini sengaja aku share.

The Black Parade

There was something mysterious about Helena that fascinated me. She was very good in all her studies and excellent in chemical . Weird,, no one knew anything about her. No one knew she lived, or who her parents were, or even what she did after school. When I asked something seriously she always said something funny and changed the subject. However I had love her and she had become my best girl friends.

One day in the summer, when I met her after school, he walked very fast and I hurried after her. He was silent as we waited at the bus stop. I touched her arm to tell her if in the city center would be present marching band. I asked her to saw that with me. She nodded her head to indicate an agreement. I was very happy because it would be a sweet dating.

Today, after school I ran very fast. I would go to my familiar place. In five minutes, I arrived in Mr. Iero’s flower shop. I bought a big bunch of roses for Helena. I knew, Helena very liked rose and I believed I had right. I must run faster to arrived the city center on time. The place that she was silent as she waited at the city center.

I touched her arm and she turned her head back. Helena looked happy with my coming. With a big smile I gave the flower to Helena. She smiled, she looked very beautiful today. Not along time, we heard a trumpet sound. Ya, the parade would be present. I knew, this is the first time she saw a parade. But, this sounds, this voices, this situations was not strange for me, when I was a young boy, my father took me in to the city, to saw a marching band. However I was very happy today.

The next day sun shined brightly, sky looked blue. There was nothing a clump of cloud. The birds chirped receive         the morning. The wind blew softly. Today I visited Helena’s house. The place that I very liked to come. I knocked on the door. But, no one answered. I tried to open the door, I shocked because the door unlocked. I called Helena but it still silent. I shocked when I read a message in my hand phone that indicated if Helena was cure in hospital. Immediately I went to hospital, I ran to Helena’s room but I was late. I was so late because I saw doctor closed her body with white cloth. I saw Helena’s parent cry, they said that Helena contract a cancer. They gave me a letter from Helena and wished I well. I wanted to cry when I read the letter. In the letter, Helena wrote “That if you say, goodbye today, I’d ask you to be true, cause the hardest past of this is leaving you”. And now I knew, what’s the reason Helena never told me about her disease. And I knew too, the parade that we saw together yesterday was the last parade for us. And the parade would be a black parade in my life. So long and good night to Helena.

maaf bila ada grammar yang tidak benar,

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